Mike Bader: White-breasted Nuthatch
Mike Bader: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Diggerthedog99: Is the bending of a tree top branch a sign to tell him to lay off the Doritos?
fishchris64: Canyon Wren
Mike Bader: Female Northern Cardinal
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Exoplanets Need to Be Prepared for Extreme Space Weather, Chandra Finds
Mike Bader: Northern Harrier
Tavepong Pratoomwong: Fight for fish
*ines_maria: …inthestreetsoflondon…
Eric Gofreed: Parting Words at the Nest
Fabiane J: Mist - Cruz do Bento João - Sul de Minas - MG - Brazil
Thomas Vanderheyden: La valse des arbres
Rita Eberle-Wessner: Yellow and pink (out of cam) ---in explore 9.1.25---
DKNC: Stream With Reflection
Eric Gofreed: Bewick's Wren
lfeng1014: As the Sun Goes Down
Kristina Dominianni: Caught Red Handed
Eric Gofreed: Belted kingfisher
Kyle Kruchok: Birthday Trip
Eric Gofreed: Skyward Sip: The Aracari's Gravity-Driven Drink