Orbmiser: Pink Hearts Abandoned Building
artofdecay.com: Car Cemetery
-Chris -: The Pit
Laser Bread: Art for NY Times Magazine
atkadi: concrete11
Lost America: Pee Dash
samhorine: mexico-25-3
heinrick oldhauser: Wilcox farmstead
insanebuslady: Barely Breathing
DJTChill: Hall of decay
drew wheelan: IMG_5534
kevindoesntexplore: Untitled-1
squirrelbrand: Lee Plaza
ant_43: severalls mental hospital
laurenlemon: JUMP rollerskate
rustyjaw: escape
Alex Luyckx: hilton falls - g2 - e100gx - 036
Alex Luyckx: dawn and turbines
Catalog of Culture: CRW_2435.CRW
a u r e l i e. c u r i e: a history of violence, VA.
1Static1: Remnants of Disaster III
SMSailorNeptune: The Mist