DrRSatzteil: London Dog Lover
Penelope Malby Photography: The Fantastic Four
Penelope Malby Photography: It's a ginger Christmas!
sure2talk: 3/12/A a touch of magic
williwieberg: bubble eyes
danny st.: Stranger #117
Penelope Malby Photography: One for me and one for you
jsaraceno: Urban Boxer
SalmonAnne: I hear you, Soul. I'm trying
SalmonAnne: to dream a dream of the me I'm too tired to be
YetAnotherLisa: Caught in the act
Robots are Stupid: When Halloween is Done
Chalkie7: No Brolly Required
Fly bye!: The Indignant Best Friend
sure2talk: somewhere you are a shining light
bang*: If I'd never seen the sunshine, I wouldn't mind the rain
isayx3: Rachel B
sure2talk: the enchanted forest
sure2talk: 10/12/B scenes from an italian restaurant 42/52
vic.devo: Jackson Falls NH
www.SamAntonioPhotography.com: Buddha on my mind - Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep; Chiang Mai, Thailand