James Mundie: "Jack-a-mer (Merolope)" linocut print by James Mundie
Siciliana Trevino: Garden at Saul Zaentz Media Center
Joey Harrison: Wheeling, West Virginia
jimsawthat: Icicle Seafoods
Joey Harrison: Mobile, Alabama
emwilska: Drink Liquor
eyetwist: picture window / route 66. meteor crater, az. 2007.
TunnelBug: The Control Room
Robby Virus: Dali Stencil, London, UK
David Farreny: VII.2019
david grim: The Greening of America. A Prequel.
Thomas Hawk: That Makes Your Days Longer
Will S.: Joseph Montferrand
Dogtown Ink: Islands of LA National Parks
ralphW: ladder with birdhouse
brucesflickr: The Pre-Anthropocene
midmodman: juniper lodge sign
The Real Devil Doll: Town House Motor Hotel
Happyshooter / Joe M: MOTEL Casa Grande
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Madam Sophia - Psychic & Palm Reader
The Real Devil Doll: Windmill Drive-In
Debra van Hulsteyn: Bruce's' Truck Stop is No More
Roland de Gouvenain: Wild bath, Mojave Desert, CA
Roland de Gouvenain: André de Gouvenain, 1907-1996; ingénieur, résistant, alpiniste.
Roland de Gouvenain: Debbie Kranzler, 1959-2003. Aikido sensei.
Roland de Gouvenain: Debbie trying to sell me a truck
Roland de Gouvenain: Peekaboo! (mother and son)