Houston Gas Man: After the Hurricane
Houston Gas Man: Phrosted Phantom
Houston Gas Man: Blue in Berlin
Houston Gas Man: Visions at the Waterwall
Houston Gas Man: Noggin-breaker
Houston Gas Man: Leaving MD Anderson
Aerial Photography: Vintage Finds
haberwolf: HB3_240229_45f
haberwolf: HB3_240229_158f
haberwolf: HB3_240229_156f
Dave Stromberger: Gramps's Phone
Dave Stromberger: Invicta Star Clouds
Dave Stromberger: Polka Dot Window
Dave Stromberger: Sad Impala
Dave Stromberger: Seattle Public Library
Dave Stromberger: Steptoe Clouds
Dave Stromberger: Adobe Shadows
Dave Stromberger: 20201221-DSC_3273
Patricia Colleen: The Great Pyramid of Ladner
Patricia Colleen: blubbermouth
Patricia Colleen: afternoon light - 2016
Patricia Colleen: Beep Beep & hyancinths - 2018
Patricia Colleen: one of those days ...
Patricia Colleen: kitchen cat - 2020
Patricia Colleen: under & over & across
Patricia Colleen: fit to be tied