julioparraphotos: MUESTRAS RETABLOS 85
Massimo Greco *: Spatole al pascolo nella nebbia
luz rovira: DSC_3070 Le faisan n'a pas peur et s'approche de chez moi / The pheasant is not afraid and approaches to my home
Paulo Fotografoo: Cicadellidae
Sharon C Johnson: Golden eye waddling down to the water's edge
Neotropical Pete: PLUMBEOUS SIERRA-FINCH Male Geospizopsis unicolor in the Wind at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.
Ellen van den Doel: First light
James Waghorn: Three in a row
Alvaro Colombo: Ciconia ciconia /Cicogna bianca /white stork
andredekesel: Pachydactylus
p.mathias: Edinburgh Castle
Massimo Greco *: La palude dell'Oasi di Colfiorito
pbertner: Frog portrait
gseloff: Muscle
Juan Diego Cano : 2018-02-08_09-26-01
luz rovira: DSC00510 I love this heart... ;) / Coeur doux ;)
baridue: Colosseo
Andrea Moscato: Firenze (Italy)
bjsowers1977: The most important thing about loving someone is knowing they will love you back. That’s why my heart melts for you.
***Richard de sousa***: 2017-05-20 21.31.21