Hubert Polacek: Lilioceris lilii in flight 4x
BITH*: Snowdrop Horizon
Buddha's Ghost: oh crow, you who were born from the salt of god's missive tears
Lord V: damselfly emergence animation #2
myriorama: hanging midges
Horst Beutler: Bembix rostrata with prey
photokai: European Goldfinch
jzsfotografix: African fish eagle diving
Michael Durham: 32509dvb-25
Earl Reinink: 20110810-0101 Green Heron (explore)
Marco Bertolini - GAE, FOTOGRAFO, NATURALISTA: Zerynthia (Zerynthia) polyxena
Jan Hamrsky: Spiketail dragonfly nymph (Cordulegaster boltonii)
Camera Rolls: grrrr..
kiernter: Hubby
MD_MC: the wranglers
1 Rimnahm: Black-backed-Kingfisher (Ceyx erithaca)
Samson So Photography: 眼紋疏廣蠟蟬 Euricania ocellus (剛羽化個體與蛻 Freshly emerged adult and exuvia)
richard.mcmanus.: Blue Magpie. Taiwan, Taipei. 台灣.
Hubert Polacek: Red baron - Psophus stridulus male
myriorama: feed me
Hubert Polacek: Saturation bombing - Ceratopogonidae sp.
Lights N Effects: Together we stand
kiernter: IMG_9299
amaw: tricolored heron
Afi Chen: Formosan Firecrest(Beautiful moment)
ggallice: Katydid
poecile05: Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
~ Michaela Sagatova ~: _MG_2975 Blue Jay