KingGuardian: The End
mark galer: Tawny Frogmouth
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm macro
mr.wohl: Weiß der Geier
silvia-geiger: Was willst du?
Hari K Patibanda: A Long Legged Buzzard hunting in the desert
blackhawk32: Screech Owl 7963
Thy Photography: Northern Pygmy Owl
ChicagoBob46: Making a splash {Explored}
Alan McCluskie: Short eared Owl feeding Explore 27/12/24 #41
Paco Conesa: the last sunset-
Jorge M. Rosa: Étretat
Eric Gofreed: Skyward Sip: The Aracari's Gravity-Driven Drink
Steve Arena: Bonaparte's Gull (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) Starlings Starling
Flickr: Appreciating Autumn with the Flickr for the Planet group
fbv812: P5070290
G.Grisel: Pure love
I saw_that: Arctic coastline
Francesc F P: Martinet menut comú_Martinet menut_Gomet_Suís
yifeng892: Hooded Mergansers
blavandmaster: Golden times
Bruno Morcel: Aigrette garzette Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
Bruno Morcel: Phoque veau-marin (Phoca vitulina) Seal
Bruno Morcel: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
Bruno Morcel: Phoque veau-marin (Phoca vitulina) Seal
Dominic Singleton: Bearded Reedling