PETEJLB: Short-eared Owl
whidom88: The River Liffey
Henk oochappan: Waterboy • Gundupatty
cowgirlrightup: "Kick-ass"
Brad Eide: After the sun sets . . .
christianeleouet1: Grande aigrette.....
Henk oochappan: Plowing the rice field • road to Poigaikaraipatti
~ Floydian ~: Living in front of the Alps - Switzerland
Sandra Herber: White Sands XXIX (The Last)
*ines_maria: … beneaththestreets…
christianeleouet1: Le phare....Pose longue
E.Wengel: Alte Straßenbahn
christianeleouet1: The take-off of the cormorant
christianeleouet1: Landing......
fotomarion...: white swirl
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Conveying a Sense of Scale!
Brad Eide: A prehistoric mood . . .
Francesc Candel: I won't be there, August 10. (Fox warren)
Rod Waddington: Naga Man
Sandra Herber: White Sands XXVIII
Hilton Chen: Edge of the World
whidom88: The Urban Rowers
Quan Yuan Photo: Hvitserkur
heinzkren: open door