CorinneSovey: Designed this guy using drunkards path blocks. Hoping I can make the quilt version happen before summer ends!
CorinneSovey: Designed this several years ago and finally got around to making it this summer. It's currently sitting in a pile waiting to be quilted. I keep a book of quilt designs I'll "get to eventually" and I'm happy I made time for this one finally.
aquilterstable: Photoshoot overkill - Poster in Coral
CorinneSovey: Seersucker Quilt
thisismoonlight: MMM15 Day 23
thisismoonlight: MMM15 Day 25
MezzoCouture: MMM15 Day 25
dennmanto: MeMadeMay2015 Day 23 turned out to be a sunny one! Wearing a red-white striped wrap dress.
9-o-clock: mmm15_23
katrynarae: MMMay Day 20
katrynarae: MMMay Day 15
zozowahine: Day 17
zozowahine: Day 16
zozowahine: Day 19
sakuragai.button: May 22, 2015 "FridayTheme: Animal" Me-made skirt from 明日着る服 I forgot today's theme, but fortunately, the big owl is printed on my Tee :) #mmmay15
patternandbranch: MMM'15 Day 16 (5)
sortingbuttons: Me-Made-May Day 21
Carolyn S: 14may
eirenep: MMMay15_day 11_V 1246 and lottie blouse
eirenep: MMM15_1_Camas blouse
eirenep: MMMay15_day 12
dennmanto: MeMadeMay2015 Day 12 - Shirt Frau Emma