Vincent_Ting: Kaomei Wetland 高美溼地
Sorin Mutu: Paltinu Lake
jssteak: fence sitters
MedicineMan4040: Striped Beetle and Clover
Andrew Boxall: Deep in the Bluebell wood
Simon_Long: Cameron Highlands
Sorin Mutu: The river
tom.leuzi: Vino d'Italia per due
Vincent_Ting: Morning glow at Sun Moon Lake日月潭晨曦
Todd Marzano: Sunset at High Rock
er_kohl: Snow diamonds
er_kohl: Sunset
er_kohl: Cat is waiting for you
_Sebastian Loeffler_: Wellen an der Ostsee
_Sebastian Loeffler_: Kleines Nachtpfauenauge an einer Palme
_Sebastian Loeffler_: Makro einer Königspython
Sònia CM: Cloud Fire
Paisley patches: Bluebell
Andrew Boxall: The rolling hills around Stonehenge
tom.leuzi: Not far from home
Chandana Witharanage: ~~*** Let me hold you ***~~ (Explored)
Sorin Mutu: Crazy [Explore]
Ateens Chen: Paradiso
Vincent_Ting: Sunset at salt Field 井仔腳鹽田
markoh2011: bog owl on a cold and misty morning
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Calbuco Volcano Erupts in Southern Chile
markoh2011: kingfisher
Zircon_215: Ground Level Shot
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Filament Burst [video]