Ben McLeod:
sunrise over Bend
Mary Fundy:
Oliver Typewriter
Chris Barrus:
Pop bio from Birmingham paper
Patrick Ng:
Just released Chronodex Jan-Jun 2022 weekly planner, happy sharing and hope you will have a great 2022! Merry Christmas and happy new year! Download: #chronodex #diary #2022diary #schedulebook #scheduler #trctravelersnotebook #tra
portion of "Malaspina Glacier and the Saint Elias Mountains" by Tom Patterson
asci and spores (1)
Beethoven’s sketches for Piano Trio in B-Flat Major, op.97 (the “Archduke Trio”)
Patrick Ng:
抗疫習作2: 曬完本TN唔發霉,下一步就係用佢嘞。請大家翻開內頁,在日光之下展示你比較喜愛的一頁,不論畫作、書法、記事、剪貼等等都可以,旁邊必須放置你這頁作品所使用過的工具及材料,亦可隨意加入能代表你喜好的道具例如咖啡、煙斗、指甲油等等,拍一張靚靚照片張貼在以下留言區。 建議在這星期內至少貼一張相片,可重覆參加甚至使用舊作。沒有壓力,慢慢來,目的是要你動身參與及享受整個過程,也看看別的用家如何使用TN及其個別風格。至於「抗疫習作1」,大家可以繼續貼相。 習作相片請到面書上Traveler’s Note
100 Peaks:
On the way to see some pupfish. From last month in Death Valley. We’ve been friends for over 30 years and some of our favorite memories are from our trips outdoors.
gerard michel:
rue Vivegnis, 2020
gerard michel:
Kanne, le château de Neercanne.
Mark Griffith:
The Golden Bay
Patrick Ng:
Finally got a set of Chinese types for my motto. “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought”. #types #typography #letterpress #日星鑄字行 #活版印刷 #taipei #taiwan #台北 #台灣 #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryaddict #stationeryporn #stamp #letterpre
gerard michel:
Lourmarin, 2CV
NASA Johnson:
NASA Astronaut Jessica Meir
Mark Griffith:
Margaret Way