jonathancastellino: retro.futurism
nhungsta: Ode to Bonnie Parker
pineider: Palermo 2012: marionette
slipper buddha: curious girls
Emmanuel VIVERGE | Il a mangé tous mes sablés !
Smithsonian Institution: Portrait of Marie Curie (1867-1934), Physicist
A.G. Photographe: Hotel de ville de Paris
A.G. Photographe: Watching bokeh
LiveRasol: It's cold...
millan p. rible: the melodrama
Heidi Ross Picture Show: Puffy's 15 Minutes
ralph howell photography: "Mirror Reflection: Plastic Buddha as Pinhole Camera"
Broo_am (Andy B): Lama ghost in field double exposure black and white
Broo_am (Andy B): Spainish boat upturn
Modern Vintage Life: Vintage 1930's glamour movie star portrait
Stephen Beadles: the lady in the lake
Austin Tott: 345|365
angiel: 336 | 365
angiel: 338 | 365
mariehochhaus: konfetti
polinabrz: 6/Occult
☮freedom☮: you don't drown by falling into water, you drown by staying there.
☮freedom☮: do not spend your life living for the accumulation of material objects that will only inevitably turn to dust.
manyfires: the omniscient buddha toad
trasiegu: #0685 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (6) [Paul Éluard]
Hilda Randulv: Elsa Holmgren