pascalcolin1: Behind the fine lines
river ichibara: over the clouds
Gemi Seriman: Happy place
benroyal: Full throttle...
benroyal: It was all a blur...
benroyal: Golden Gaze...
benroyal: The gloves were off...
benroyal: Safe house...
- D A R K -: Very Scottish
- D A R K -: first skating time this year
Amanda Whisper: The Ocean & I
newfieplaymate: Big Girls Deserve Love To
JaySon93.Sl: • 36 / 365 : Waiting ..
Ivo Rossini: Kaleidoscope
Harper Rose ♡.: And you don't even know my name.. so true.
Harper Rose ♡.: ::RBento:: Love Hands/Finders tattoo BOM - Gift -
Harper Rose ♡.: Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you. –Ralph Harston
Harper Rose ♡.: This desert flower!
Harper Rose ♡.: It’s the little things that matter the most. Thank you very much, my friends, for the beautiful wishes for my birthday and the very beautiful and special gifts.❤️❤️
*** Suri ***: Cracks
vvvEthanvvv: Hold u
levinpearl: focused