Zeb Andrews: Coming, going or staying
coltera: North Oregon Coast
jerry waese ★: car diogram
Thomas Hawk: Living on Tulsa Time
Zeb Andrews: The Two Towers
jerry waese ★: man with bows and coffee
jerry waese ★: D.Baker-MuccaPazza-NYE-Band
manyfires: flower love, part five
lomojunkie71: Cleaners
Zeb Andrews: What a snowy Multnomah Falls sees
Beerbrain/Ronny Perry: Grandson walking in the shadows
manyfires: safe and (almost) sound
Ext-Or: Good Morning..
Beerbrain/Ronny Perry: Double Arrows
jerry waese ★: Brunch with Alice Drawing001
mennyj: falcon
jon madison: rain time! 💕
manyfires: the painter