Joe Effendi (Always Late!): "And I will never need umbrellas in the rain"
N.Batkhurel: Autumn painting
N.Batkhurel: Common Blue.
martinritter1: Bokeh 021124-6
dinarte.pereira: IMG_1227
blavandmaster: Riverside October
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Kap Fourni , Sonnenuntergang in den Bergen , 23192
Darkcloud Photography: DSC05289 copy
Hushabye Mountain: Red Grouse...
Carrie McGann: MMM Freestyle Patina
Sapna Reddy Photography: Jungle Book (Explored)
FotoGrazio: Solitary stroll through the coconut grove
roba66: SOUTH AFRICA( South-Africa), Gansbaai near Hermanus, view of a shark diver cage boat , 22825
wernerlohmanns: Im Anflug....
enriquesalvo: On the streets.
Jose Antonio. 62: Niemeyer en un día nublado III
gary.lewinson: To Boldly Go...
kathrinaufmkolk: lost in reflection
steffos1986: vintage digital photography
Juan Carlos Cortina: drombeg stone circle
semper_scifi: dandelion
semper_scifi: Antarctica
roba66: GERMANY, Magniolien, 11378
rbn petralanda: El parking de las naves varadas.
blavandmaster: Dreaming forward
roelivtil: Magnolia