@martins_photolife: a hotel in Zaandam NL
@martins_photolife: the mystical forest
@martins_photolife: alone in the fog
@martins_photolife: the gnarled tree in the fog
@martins_photolife: the sunlight over the hill in Essen/Kettwig
@martins_photolife: the machinist
@martins_photolife: the shoe from cinderella?
@martins_photolife: 1.Advent im Ruhrpott
@martins_photolife: Light in the morning
@martins_photolife: Beautiful light
@martins_photolife: lovely sunshine
@martins_photolife: panties in the air
@martins_photolife: Dolly the Sheep in the Norwegian highlands
@martins_photolife: Hyttehaugen (Viewpoint)
@martins_photolife: Fischerhütten Kirkehamn
@martins_photolife: Kunstsilo Kristiansand
@martins_photolife: Bondhusvatnet
@martins_photolife: Bondhusvatnet 2
@martins_photolife: overnight spot in Ropeid
@martins_photolife: Borgund Stavkyrkje
@martins_photolife: who put the stone like that?
@martins_photolife: on the island hidra
@martins_photolife: Stonehut at Gaularfjellet
@martins_photolife: cool car at the beach
@martins_photolife: Beautiful light on the North Sea
@martins_photolife: Autumn is coming
@martins_photolife: beautiful sunrise
@martins_photolife: there is a light
@martins_photolife: Bøyabreen Glacier