escher is still alive: Snowballs in Coyote Tracks
escher is still alive: Scratched Pebble Sculpture
wild goose chase: winter sun
horticultural art: 59985.01 Cleome, Rhododendron mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink', Monarda didyma, Crocus
Kleas': Martinmas 2019
freetoglow (Gloria): Who gets the prize............
bjarne.winkler: SargeAndSicily_1836
horticultural art: 59980.01 Pinus heldreichii , Malus 'Red Jade', Tsuga canadensis, leaf
robbbpage: Day of the Triffids
escher is still alive: Red Oak Leaf Path
Matt Molloy: Sunset Swoosh
horticultural art: 59963.01 Quercus rubra
BossBob50: Autumn Mosaic
Tony Worrall: More urban art in Manchester
horticultural art: 59913.01 Rosa, Alchemilla vulgaris, Vinca minor, Rosa, Corylus avellana 'Contorta', Rudbeckia hirta, Ligularia, Aster, Cornus kousa
Tony Worrall: Lighthouse at Preston Docks
Tony Worrall: Beatles sculpture at Liverpool
horticultural art: 59909.01 Brassica rapa chinensis, Phaseolus, Ginkgo biloba, Hydrangea, Celastrus orbiculatus, Helichrysum petiolare
Orbmiser: Red to Yellow Leaf Glow
barrob photos: United States Coast Guard Dolphin
escher is still alive: Roeburn Rush Totem
meriluni: Collage
DawnsRays: Kaleidoscope Mandala
Forest - 15M Views ...: Plain Tiger on Tridax Daisy - Backyard
horticultural art: 59904.01 Allium porrum, Hemerocallis, Ipomoea, Rhododendron, Vinca major, Weigela florida
eudald_alabau: PINE CONE CIRCLE
Orbmiser: Green Leaves Turning