natureloving: Gazania sunny-side up
natureloving: Common flangetail dragonfly (Ictinogomphus decoratus)
natureloving: Paperplant flower (Fatsia japonica)
natureloving: Before Sunrise at Seascape
natureloving: Common gray moth (Hypomecis carinenta)
natureloving: Tulips and colours
natureloving: Greater coucal or Crow pheasant (Centropus sinensis)
Jeff Ancarrow: 104_3743
Jeff Ancarrow: 104_3959
Jeff Ancarrow: IMG_0002
Jeff Ancarrow: 100_4058
Jeff Ancarrow: 1736638149776
Viv.....: On a sunny spring morning, skilled Eastern great Egret negotiates wetland trees as it prepares for landing at its nesting area. The species is protected in Australia.
Viv.....: On a sunny spring morning, adult Pacific Black Duck in contemplation at wetland. This sociable duck is found in a variety of wetland habitats
Viv.....: MyFlickrYear24 Photo - Thanks to all
Viv.....: Pretty Daisies with raindrops in bloom at our garden
Viv.....: Lovely colours of Frangipani bloom
Viv.....: On a sunny winter morning, lovely pink Magnolia in bloom. To avoid damage from pollinating beetles, the carpels of Magnolia flowers are extremely tough.
Viv.....: On a sunny autumn morning, hungry adult Lorikeet happily feasts on Gordonia flower nectar at our garden. It is a species of parrot found in Australia.
Viv.....: My edit of popular public Macaque monkey video trained for home chores, to raise animal cruelty awareness. Kindly donate to the World Animal Protection link given below
Viv.....: Striking Protea Leucadendron colours at our garden
Viv.....: On a sunny spring morning, majestic juvenile Tiger is on patrol. The tiger is listed as endangered.
Viv.....: On a sunny autumn evening, adult male Australian magpie standing on one leg at our garden on territory watch. It has adapted well to human habitation.
Viv.....: On a sunny spring morning, lovely Kordes Bordeaux Floribunda Rose blooms galore at our garden. Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach seven meters in height.
Viv.....: On a sunny winter morning, beautiful Phalaenopsis Orchid in bloom at our garden. The lateral sepals are usually larger than the dorsal sepal
Viv.....: On a hot autumn afternoon, pretty Camellias in full bloom by the road side. The various species of camellia plants are generally well-adapted to acid soils.
Viv.....: On a sunny autumn afternoon, pretty pink Camellias in full bloom. Most species of camellias require a large amount of water. On Explore 16 Dec 2024
Viv.....: On a sunny autumn evening, handsome male King Parrot, visits our garden and feasts on bountiful Magnolia fruits. The male has a red head and neck, red lower parts
Viv.....: On a misty summer morning, intricate Maori carved wooden totem pole on Mount Victoria, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand. They are used to mark territorial boundaries or places of significance.
Viv.....: On a sunny summer morning, pretty Schefflera berries on show. It is native to New Zealand and some Pacific islands.