evakatharina12: Stillness and motion
Gary Grossman: Super Moon Rise
håkancarlander: Vinterväg
KevBar2000: R6__6318
(bbarsalo): Dernière lueur du matin sur Mont Bromo / Last Morning Glow on the Bromo Volcano
ferpectshotz: Believe you can and you're halfway there…
enriquesalvo: At home.
Sabina BD: Desert life
It's all about the light...: Goldregenpfeifer / Golden Plover / in explore 20241226
lorecrw: Red autumn...
MyKeyC: Highstepping it!
andreas_fery: Eisvogel - European Kingfisher
Wei, Willa: Death Valley
soyokazeojisan: RIMG2013 (2)C Before sunset
Wildlife_2010: Red squirrel
Rafael Zenon Wagner: Merry Christmas - there is still hope for 2025
Ceomga: Profondeur/Depth
fxkrisztian: M81-M82 Ha-LRGB
chemalaga80: Sri Lanka 2018
deserttoad: Colorado Chipmunk (Tamias quadrivittatus); Santa Fe National Forest, NM, Thompson Ridge [Lou Feltz]
votredame: Giuliana, Leila, torta e candeline
Myrgam: Fox and wind
Luca Avanzini: the killer's gaze
Jeff-Photo: Thalasso
fabsit: Bláhylur / Hnausapollur
wildlife dave: Mom and a very tired baby