caminanteK: Saint-Chamas (Bouches du Rhone, Fr)
blavandmaster: Back in time
Hugh Stanton: Window to the past
Ric Capucho: Schönenberg - Ilford HP5+ 120 film
blavandmaster: After Sunset
Zlatko Vickovic: umbrella shield
Hugh Stanton: Factory side moorings
Mark Carline: Coca-Cola Christmas Truck Tour in Chester (3rd Dec 2015)
blavandmaster: Dreamy Autumn
smoocheshugs: Autumns colors, blue, orange, red, green, yellow and brown
blavandmaster: Fjordside Serenity
Greg @ Montreal: Young and Antique
klythawk: Peak Light.........
Tupilak79: Lago di Garda sunrise
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Love in a mist with dew drops
reineckefoto: Lion - Zoo Prague May 2015
reineckefoto: Amur Leopard - Zoo Praha May 2015 02
Marcos Simanovic: King's Park
Zlatko Vickovic: old shave
blavandmaster: The Beauty of Spring
Hugh Stanton: Lake with a view
Hugh Stanton: Window to the past
Samkale Bellacrux: Where the wild things are
bernhard.friess: Vaccinium Myrtillus Bloom 2015 / Heidelbeeren Blüte 2015
Stephan Harmes: riverside
Tacky HopHead: SAM_0336
camerue: The Visitor
Hugh Stanton: The boardwalk
Samkale Bellacrux: Moon of my life. My sun and stars.
Stefano Rugolo: Anemone apennina