smoocheshugs: Into Paradise we go. My best friend ❤️ USA
smoocheshugs: Wooly Caterpillar. USA
smoocheshugs: Peace, tranquility, sunshine on a beach. USA
smoocheshugs: Cloud burst. USA
smoocheshugs: Rockport,Alpena, Michigan USA
smoocheshugs: No greater love and companionship.
smoocheshugs: Sun over the waters... USA
smoocheshugs: The sun sets on Lake Michigan shoreline, USA
smoocheshugs: Hi everybody, I'm just relaxing on the beach.
smoocheshugs: Mighty Mac! Mackinaw City,MI, USA.
smoocheshugs: Sundog! Lake Michigan's beautiful sunset. USA
smoocheshugs: Sunsetting on another beautiful day in Northern Michigan.
smoocheshugs: Into Paradise I go. Fall in Northern Michigan, Michigan
smoocheshugs: Birds flying above, let Freedom Ring!
smoocheshugs: Mother and child. Lake Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Eumorpha pandorus – Pandorus Sphinx moth. Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Invasive Japanese Beetle on a Thistle.
smoocheshugs: Young buck stopping to check me out. Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Old Meijer store matches. Greenville, Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe...
smoocheshugs: A dog is love’s purest shadow. Lake Michigan, USA.
smoocheshugs: Manistee River, Michigan
smoocheshugs: Mr. Hairy stopping by to say "feed me more please".
smoocheshugs: Two way traffic for the animals to obey.
smoocheshugs: A beautiful walk on a trail in Manistee, Michigan, USA.
smoocheshugs: Mushroom. Happy Honey in the background wishing I'd get going on our walk "sniff something new now"!
smoocheshugs: Stopping by to say "Hello". USA.
smoocheshugs: My legs are to short! Snow is to deep! Happy Honey USA
smoocheshugs: Sunsetting over Lake Michigan, clear fresh water. USA
smoocheshugs: Queen of her world. Frozen Great Lake Michigan. USA