Jimmy-Fan: 綠光森林 #firefly
Ricky Lee Richards: black and white marna
tom@hk: Lonely...Kids nowaday?
ross mytton: Ghana Street
patrickmaxmorel: tempusfugit03
view [ + ] finder: The Cadillac Lounge
minato: iPhone 89/365
ww__: 勝利號
lcy: Macau's vanishing shops - 德利祥油糖荳麵
FreePeopleFlickr: tangerine dream
rwarne: Juicy Design
Curiosity Studio: Jubilee Club - 14/11/09 - Special Guest tINI
Curiosity Studio: uragano e arcobaleno - Carmina Burana Concert
laced.candy: sewing room
Presley*: staging the sidewalk
See-ming Lee (SML): Photography: Rauf Mamedov: The Silence of Maria: Triptych 3 / Aidan Gallery / The Armory Show 2010 / Press Image
J.Gardner: ALT 2
TommyOshima: LIMBO : 8
TommyOshima: reverberation
TommyOshima: sanctus
yusheng: @ 四知堂
Mr. D 郭凯: broken shoulder
Mr. D 郭凯: broken arm
gyaista: Girl with plastic bottle on her shoulder