Hector16: The Earth is Flat! Kalahari Desert Sunset
Tambako the Jaguar: Tigress flat on the platform
Hector de Corazón: roadside smooth billed ani
Hector de Corazón: wiping the slate clean
Hector de Corazón: Polychrus marmoratus
Hector de Corazón: the frog behind the voice
Tambako the Jaguar: Pallas cat looking angry
Hector de Corazón: dreamy great egret
nomm de photo: Appearing Nightly
Hector de Corazón: am I the sun? or the moon?
Hector de Corazón: dragon's eye
Hector de Corazón: velvet worm!!
Hector de Corazón: dwarf marsupial frog
Hector de Corazón: luminescent
Hector de Corazón: to fluoresce
Tambako the Jaguar: Tom with his tongue out
Tambako the Jaguar: Playing with the water
LeadKnife: Smooth-billed Ani
Hector de Corazón: evening fork tailed
Hector de Corazón: common terns in uproar