CraigGoodwin2: Sunflower Bluebird
bhautik_joshi: San Francisco holiday skyline: 121 Megapixels!
benbendc: DSC_0068
Weinand Wildlife: Westlicher Feuersalamander (Salamandra salamandra terrestris) - Explored August 18th, 2015, # 52
susie2778: Frog Pod (explored)
aymanshamma: My cover art. Our article. Who said print is dead?!?
flrent: Flickr Timelapse
bhautik_joshi: unspecified shamrocks
phil dokas: Branding all the way down
herduinrivera: Cocora, Salento, Quindio, Colombia!
.astama.: .astama.
bhautik_joshi: overcast jarringly redeploy
vikuk: DSC02259
herduinrivera: Anserma, Caldas, Colombia
herduinrivera: Cordillera, Pereira, Colombia
jwfoto1973: Pantherchamäleon
albert dros: Mesa Arch, Canyonlands
eutoxeres: Lisbrán
XantheT: Concrete jungle
jwfoto1973: Herbst in unserem Garten
Dietmar Temps: Tanzania, beautiful girl
Christopher.Michel: Dave Spector
Richard Wintle: Nikki Yanofsky, FCP, Toronto
LUX_FECIT: Rolleiflex 2.8F Portrait HP5+
wendy74ca: Bath Time
aymanshamma: 3D Dense Reconstruction of the Lincoln Memorial (with camera perspectives).
428sr: Cat
bhautik_joshi: co-authors grudges