Chrissie2003: Old Lady Moth
Norm Johnson: Another daughter & mom portrait
Yuliya Bahr: Oliver woke up
Norm Johnson: Many moons ago
bonavistask8er: Alicia (2019)
Alex-de-Haas: Heavy lifting.
Salai i: x-mas fun
Norm Johnson: Gorgeous smile
selcannur: Cambridge 5466, 2024
Row 17: Streetlife 311
CARSTEN SCHNOOR: Beautiful Ornella
BioKnowlogy: Astronomy 144 - Eclipse of 10 September 1923 - Youngsters Watching the Eclipse
m.passiel: West Coast People
lardfr1: Central Park 9-8-24
lardfr1: Central Park 9-8-24
lardfr1: Central Park 9-8-24
lardfr1: Central Park 9-8-24
lardfr1: Central Park 9-8-24
Sundar:)-: Testing the waters
shriamb: DSC01710
Anoop Negi: Prayer Wheel, Flags and Messges of Peace at Leh - The Spituk Monastery
omar.paint: Men in the Beach
omar.paint: Alleppey
Ashish A: An old stone bridge over a canal in Alleppey
zuckshot: Pillar
paulawrobel: Bird, Warsaw, Poland
appelpix!: Street
dididumm: Early summer dusk (III)