Hilary Bralove: Synchro Flying...
Dominic Singleton: Spoonbills
stefano.chiarato: Distesa autunnale
stefano.chiarato: Una valle d'oro.
stefano.chiarato: Enrosadira al Pordoi.
Ken Krach Photography: Starling in the Bokeh
Ela Dzimitko: mid-nap stretch
RKop: Ferruginous Pigmy-Owl (EXPLORE, 2/12/24, #290)
Philip Schofield: 500_3366 Frosted Longtailed Tit
Philip Schofield: 500_3541 The Universal Language
Dave Massey Photography: The Pink Peaks
Livith Muse Irry: Grèbe huppé mangeant un poisson
Laurent Castiau: Tarin des aulnes femelle
Laurent Castiau: Mésange bleue
Mick Erwin: Red Kite (Staffordshire)
overhoist: Glencoe
andreas.thomet: Grindelwald
somewheredowntheroadphoto: Bitsi Badlands Egg Field
DJOBurton: The Lights in the Dark (DSC09037)
MK 817: 500_1474
MK 817: 500_6905
tapeda: Soliguer
tapeda: Catifes de tardor…
GIALLO1963: 845202409bMisurina0786
Steve Daggar: 0S1A7625
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Sonnenaufgang im Winternebel*
juances: lahoradeltiemponorte8 copia
Landscape Photography Magazine: Jokulsarlon, Iceland by Andrea Celli
Tony N.: Mullerthal