5'20": News of the day
c.r.photoholic: PPbN - I
d26b73: along the line
lud_coenen: Galluswarte, Frankfurt
Darth Ray: Star Wars X-Wing Lukes
snoopsmaus: Architecture Tour #tbex #explorecanada #bloggertrain
hypercatalecta: Holier than thou.
ankerbraut: now. #welovehh #telemichel #hamburg
globale: HoweSound2
schokodinatorin: Panda zum Mitnehmen / Takeaway Panda
schokodinatorin: Gib mir fünf! / High five!
Sagolla: Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Sagolla: Later Twttr Design
vruba: Me at Caffé Vita
DonDahlmann: pfoten
hypercatalecta: Beautiful weather for a walk along the North Sea yesterday.
hypercatalecta: In a 1962 photo booth with @fuzzio.
hypercatalecta: So little time to roam the streets looking for chairs these days! Therefore, all I have to offer is a #latergram of this pretty #lamp taken last week.
hypercatalecta: In case you ever wondered where the tag #misplacedchairgallery originated from: These are chair prints, taken between 2005 and 2007, mounted on foam board and hung in my hallway. I call my home the Misplaced Chair Gallery because of it. :) Because of my u
hypercatalecta: Throughway.
hypercatalecta: Please follow the line.
hypercatalecta: Soup kitchen, abandoned. #postcardfromwandsbek
hypercatalecta: Traveling light. #new_life_on_the_streets
hypercatalecta: Camouflage. #misplacedchairgallery
Ein Chinese mit der Kamera: Hot Chip @Dockville 2012