Sagolla: Most Helpful — WAY
Sagolla: Most Helpful — Google
Sagolla: Best Web App — MixPX
Sagolla: Most Useful — Untangledd
Sagolla: Coolest App — KidsPlay
Sagolla: Best Open Source App — Writemate
Sagolla: Best Family App — Huddle
Sagolla: Best Hardware — Segway Demon
Sagolla: Best Game — Terrible Tower
Sagolla: Best App for Social Change — We Vote
Sagolla: Most Likely to Get Sued — FlixPass
Sagolla: Best New Developer — SmartCamera
Sagolla: Best Developer Tool — TutorialKit
Sagolla: Run Anywhere Award — Mermania
Sagolla: Most Pixelated — Voxel
Sagolla: Most Political — Runningmate
Sagolla: Vinli Award — On Ur Way
Sagolla: Privacy Award — Inverse
Sagolla: Most Neighborly App — NeighborFood
Sagolla: Greenest App — Plan Plant
Sagolla: Best Fashion App — Fashion4Ward
Sagolla: Most Literary — Right2Read
Sagolla: Best Use of Audio — Audio3DVisualizer
Sagolla: Most Educational — Shapes on a Plane
Sagolla: Most Social — Round
Sagolla: Most Alarming App — Anchor Alarm
Sagolla: Best Health Care — My P/T Pal
Sagolla: Most Innovative — Phonetic News
Sagolla: Best Civic App — Paladin
Sagolla: Best Community App — Sekai no Otaku