borderglider: Mosaic Skull, National Museum of Anthopology Mexico City
colerise: lucid
colerise: the people in our reflections
lepierrecharles: 1987-88_9emeA
breic: Milk drop splash
edartr: a visible mass of droplets or frozen crystals floating in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body. ...
papa jesse: Explosions in the Sky
NanaAkua: Jun2009_221
pilllpat (agence eureka): cornebuse p1
lawatt: treble clef
matt_in_a_field: bass clef
sofia bray: |||| || II I ii:.
EllenJo: who dem dogs?
sofia bray: mouse
Susana Carvalho (): Luz ao fundo do túnel.
sofia bray: it hurts a lot
sofia bray: =|\|| "#
sofia bray: ⅂_|| ⊥ Y⅄
sofia bray: grey #3
sofia bray: patterns
sofia bray: sunday coffee
Ricardo Machado - design + illustration: bipolar (Lowe Lisboa/UPA)
ajpscs: apprentice
ajpscs: ahead of her time
oladios: Cause we are the ones