Milazzoyo: Goldfinches Having a Disagreement
Milazzoyo: Pine Siskin. - (Spinus pinus)
Milazzoyo: Sandhill Crane. - Antigone canadensis
Bob Gunderson: Tropical Kingbird
Milazzoyo: Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Kleb Woods. (Regulus calendula)
Milazzoyo: Eastern Phoebe, Sayornis Phoebe
Milazzoyo: Swamp Sparrow at Warren Lake, Hockley Texas. (Melospiza georgiana)
Yamil Saenz: American Pygmy Kingfisher
Yamil Saenz: MacGillivray's Warbler
Ignacio Ferre: Red & blue
Ignacio Ferre: Blue sunset
Ignacio Ferre: Panthera leo
Weinand Wildlife: Fehlpaarung: Moorfrosch (Rana arvalis) x Erdkröte (Bufo bufo)
Weinand Wildlife: Rotbrauner Laubkäfer ♀ (Serica brunnea)
Jerry Ting: the droplets on YEWA
Jerry Ting: For the love of the sweet fennel (6) - Magnolia Warbler
ORYXphotography: Eyelash pit viper from Costa Rica.
ORYXphotography: Verreaux Eagle Owl
OC Birds: Great Blue Heron
OC Birds: Elegant Tern Caught a Fish
Jerry Ting: American White Pelican
Bob Gunderson: Hooded Oriole at my window feeder
celerycelery: Cow Killer (Dasymutilla occidentalis)
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Eric Lu Photography: Black Oystercatcher
Eric Lu Photography: Snowy Plover
Jerry Ting: Forster's Tern