sunnybuick: Me in Front of Herbert Hoffman's Tattoo Shop, Hamburg
LadeeBee_1: Freak Show
Kevin Berard: Gare de L'Ouest
Genesis One: Chev Pickup Truck
mivuckovic: Social Distortion
mivuckovic: Uncle Steve Rajacich
matt carroll with a camera: los straightjackets
matt carroll with a camera: inferno at tufts
piechot: 4088
ddsiple: The American Penman Dec 1920
MountainEagleCrafter: 328/365: Rusty Post Office Sign
Photo_History: Mumler Spirit Photograph Carte de Visite *with new information about the subject
Amy Jeanne: Edith LaSylphe, 1890s
Photo_History: Mirror Photography/Multiphotography Photograph of a Girl with Long Hair
lada/photo: Medal of Honor
TravellingCello: Concentration
S. Ruehlow: Put a stone on and remember me.
S. Ruehlow: The old jewish Graveyard Frankfurt
Ataraxia Photo: Over time.
S. Ruehlow: Faith was your anchor.
ironartforge: Picture 106
ironartforge: Picture 317