Tim Evanson: looking SSE at historic garden in front of house - Tinsley Living Farm - Museum of the Rockies - 2013-07-08
Jazzyroses: Lavender Farms 07072013 026 - Copy
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Oak apple gall. Cynipid gall, Cynips maculipennis, on Quercus garryana. Senator Charles L. McNary's farm, Salem, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Oak apple gall. Cynipid gall, Cynips maculipennis, on Quercus garryana. Senator Charles L. McNary's farm, Salem, Oregon.
marknenadov: Black-eyed susan
cogdogblog: 2016/365/200 Three Sisters All Named Susan
Clearly Ambiguous: Black-eyed Susan
madprime: Black-eyed Susan
wackybadger: Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
wackybadger: Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
Mike's Birds: Northern Parula
ShenandoahNPS: Blue Jay
ShenandoahNPS: Blue Jay
ShenandoahNPS: Blue Jay
ShenandoahNPS: Northern Parula
watts_photos: magpie bird
StephanieFalzone: Bird Blind 016
mickeyvdo: Birds
ShenandoahNPS: Northern Parula
ShenandoahNPS: Carolina Wren
ShenandoahNPS: Carolina Wren
ShenandoahNPS: Hermit Thrush
ShenandoahNPS: Tufted Titmouse
Alex L'aventurier,: To the train station
Nicholas R. Andrew: Catherine Zeta-Jones smoking 3
shaire productions: White and Black Paint
Steve Snodgrass: Parallel Lines