Steve Snodgrass: Orange peel
Steve Snodgrass: Chalk rainbow pride
Steve Snodgrass: Incense Smoke, Monday in Holy Week, Church of the Holy Cross, Episcopal, Shreveport, LA
Steve Snodgrass: Cadillacs in a Lot, or, Old Cars in a Lot
Steve Snodgrass: Yin Yang
Steve Snodgrass: Mythical Beast in Chalk
Steve Snodgrass: Glacial erratic with core samples removed
Steve Snodgrass: Glacial erratic with core samples removed
Steve Snodgrass: Steel bench and rocks
Steve Snodgrass: The Corona Will... (finger writing in pollen on stainless steel)
Steve Snodgrass: Violet heart in chalk on concrete
Steve Snodgrass: Chalk tree on concrete
Steve Snodgrass: Chalk flag on concrete
Steve Snodgrass: Violet hearts on concrete in green and orange chalk
Steve Snodgrass: Rio72 chalk graffiti tag on concrete
Steve Snodgrass: Before the Service
Steve Snodgrass: Mahall’s Lanes bowling alley
Steve Snodgrass: Carolers
Steve Snodgrass: Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus
Steve Snodgrass: Three Wise Men. Magi.
Steve Snodgrass: Monoliths and Moon
Steve Snodgrass: Tunnel o’ Lights
Steve Snodgrass: Train Depot
Steve Snodgrass: Old Man Winter. Zephyr.
Steve Snodgrass: “Windows of Time” by Anila Quayyum Agha
Steve Snodgrass: “Windows at Philbrook Museum of Art” by Sharon Louden
Steve Snodgrass: Illuminated globe
Steve Snodgrass: Stained glass