Sophie Brooks Photography: Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Heatherjeany: Lucy's thank you cards
somethings hiding in here: tricky gocco printing.
Mon Quixote: 1277832191744
Everfalling: Prince Holds The Katamari On His Shoulders
yarnzombie: Kodachrome curtains
jannepaint: Army of Darkness
PubCat: Caution Cthulhu?
Marc Brubaker: Pola-Calendar!
Gabriel Schkolnick: PULLPOBLANK
wandaaaa: as real as it gets...
anna.david: All the Tall Trees
anna.david: So Far Away, detail
anna.david: Hand Cancel
El Endemoniau: "No siento las piernas!!!"
Zmanphoto: Paul-Tintype #2
Zmanphoto: Foot - Tintype
smieglitz: Let's give a big hand to the photographer...
knitalatte11: all together
Misteriddles: heart of stone
Mark Watson (kalimistuk): Duck Hunting ;-)
Davy Ellis: Decay
Davy Ellis: Gravedigger's Hut