yusunkwon: Ok, can I go to the spa now?
yusunkwon: #mothersdaymanicures
yusunkwon: #foodcoma #nannysendsthebestphotos
yusunkwon: If they didn't want kids on these things they shouldn't have made them so darn appealing #bulbousbollards
yusunkwon: upload
yusunkwon: upload
yusunkwon: #infinityroom
yusunkwon: me...stuck in the elevator...what a week.
yusunkwon: Recalling the times I've been told to go back to my own country (even in CA) and the loneliness and anger that bubbles over after every encounter. I fear for my daughters...they'll never be white or male, and those who want to point that out will feel emp
yusunkwon: Was up way past my bedtime poring over my ballot...so many ballot measures...but one decision was easy. #imwithher
yusunkwon: #partyfavors #lastyearsdecorations #goodthingisaveeverything
yusunkwon: #dragoncloud
yusunkwon: #happystickfigures #madsart
yusunkwon: #happystickfigures #madsart
yusunkwon: #spatime #artbybaba
yusunkwon: How to cut skylights #concrete!
yusunkwon: How to cut a stair opening #concrete!
yusunkwon: Hello, wood! #2x2 #accessfloor #teak
yusunkwon: What babas are good for #woodline
yusunkwon: Children of the forest #goldsworthy #woodline
yusunkwon: #sleepingbabies #everythingsfine
yusunkwon: The child dresses herself #patternseverywhere
yusunkwon: I see watermelon #fingerpainting #madsart
yusunkwon: Shark! #kelpforest
yusunkwon: Bye bye beach #extendedvacation
yusunkwon: It's not her fault, she can't even read #somesignsaremeanttobeignored
yusunkwon: #hammocktime #sisters #legtangle
yusunkwon: #kidsoffriendsbeingfriends
yusunkwon: Twelve years later #originalbuttmates
yusunkwon: Is that thing real? #kidsoffriendsbeingfriends