becauseLIGHT 〄: words become useless
V A N D E E: Sepia Look
donjbenny: The line Up
stefan@aaby: Branches, ICM
Just Trigan: Thoughts
encantadissima: The women in rose
Ruud Otter: The human dimension is lost
Nightmares8: as the light runs away
michele.palombi: Il tempo fermo
bohelsted: The window (again) ADN ne saurait mentir
Hexilene: Taïka.
barraban: Adoracion/Adoration series - "A"
Philippe Morin Ganet: Un petit chien en hiver
Andrew Shenton: Signing On
Thierry Cariou: Guérande Loire-Atlantique France (2023)
lorecrw: Autumn...
Maurizio Paganin: Siena, bodies and shadows
- jerri -: the sound of silence
matt.kueh: Untouched
Eggii: together and yet apart... sign of the times
beatawozniak@: On the corner
stu ART photo: Gallipoli, Italy
Uwe Rothuysen: Altered land v