GeorgKazrath: Evening Peace On Santorini
magli_giovanni: Double pontia... and mint
johnhallmen: Hopper on Birch
Pixel Fusion: Peony PBW (Explore)
vulture labs: Athens
Charaxes14: Zerynthia rumina
guraydere: Silkworm moth - Bombyx mori
Charaxes14: Brenthis daphne
Nikola Rahme: Hefty robber
Charaxes14: Saturnia pavonia
johnhallmen: Chicken?
george papapostolou: Oia Santorini
leendert3: Wandering Donkey Acraea -- Dwaalesel-rooitjie (Acraea neobule neobule) - (Explore)
johnhallmen: Backlit Theridiid
johnhallmen: Frostbite
johnhallmen: Chrysolina
johnhallmen: Fall Beetle
Frank Smout: A morning in Provence - France
Duncan Fawkes: Trees on Fire
Siegfried Tremel: Muscidae spec.
Charaxes14: Lycaena dispar
Charaxes14: Polyommatus coridon
Charaxes14: Triton of Hyles euphorbiae
paul.scott103: Layered
Matthias Lenke: ... I come in peace!
friday1970: Adirondacks Autumn, 2011 (Explored #27 8-31-12)
Flash Parker: Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
PhotoArt Images: Living on the edge