♞Jenny♞: Brace For Impact!
♞Jenny♞: Hmm, I think I smell salmon
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Sara A. Shelter point
♞Jenny♞: Wild & Wooley Water Wiggler
Christina's World : off & on: Catch Me If You Can
♞Jenny♞: Otto and Isaac
copperhorse: Giant Red Paintbrush Castilleja miniata
cowgirlrightup: Happy Earth Day
cowgirlrightup: A horse's eye tells a story that words from our lips could never repeat.
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Sir Douglas-3406m October 7 2022
♞Jenny♞: Who wants to snuggle
JbarC ranch: No point in using the shelter now.
FollowingNature (Yao Liu): Mr. Lazuli Bunting - Happy Father's Day
Don Komarechka: Canada Day 2021
cowgirlrightup: Have you seen the dog?
♞Jenny♞: Summer Dreams
♞Jenny♞: All is well
cowgirlrightup: Security
Trudy Veitch: CANADA!
Trudy Veitch: Cape Spear on a Cool Day 2
albert dros: Reflections
lawatt: cold cat
cowgirlrightup: Got milk?
Romair: Cooper's Hawk On Our Bird Bath
♞Jenny♞: Jump right in
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Wasootch Peak Kanananaskis stack-SLS-Min Horizon Star Dupe
Don Komarechka: Maple Leaf Flag Frozen
Don Komarechka: Faerie Thistle