lucy_nka: city of angels
dragonflydreams88: two in the bush . . .
1bluecanoe: Central Oregon
desde mi corazón: membrillos
Vera Cancinos: Dile al Tiempo - Tell Time
imago2007 (BUSY): looking back
Vera Cancinos: Carazamba
Mark B. Imagery ©: M I N I S C U L E
Vera Cancinos: 7 days since my arrival (not my baby)
saul landell: You Don't Know Me
Vera Cancinos: American Dream
Vera Cancinos: Rodrigo
Vera Cancinos: old style
Vera Cancinos: Melanie
Ian@NZFlickr: Stirling Falls
Bill Anderson :-): Going Home
Vera Cancinos: Jose and Angela
1bluecanoe: It was a beautiful day... Mammoth Hot Springs
Randi Ang: The Fisherman
Vera Cancinos: My engagement ring
TIO...: Operator...
David-Duchens: let the sun shine in... ;-)
Vera Cancinos: A La Espera
Vera Cancinos: It is said that in the middle of darkness there will be a light
Xenotar28: Calla Lilly
TIO...: Here Comes The Sun...