IndigoSky421: Miss Bailey - aka Bails
IndigoSky421: ( Maine )
~mimo~: A narrow escape~ Valencia
~mimo~: The urban groove~ Shanghai
~mimo~: At_tension ~
sasquahtch: gallumpher
sasquahtch: reverence
Graham Gibson: Kickin’ up some dust
dration: An Lon Dubh
melbaczuk: 31/52 Bridges William R. Bennett Bridge
sasquahtch: 07/15/2022 Hudson River
sasquahtch: a Coke and a smile
sasquahtch: incoming
sasquahtch: 13 years together
sasquahtch: bookends
stefyBuff: melancholia
Jutta Bauer: 03/12 Edgar & Albert, playboys at the beach
Jutta Bauer: 17/52 Albert on a rainy Sunday in Paris
~mimo~: The lives of others~ Shanghai
Adolfo García Guatemala: Sunset in moody green
stefyBuff: In blue...
John W Olafson: Hiller 12E CF-MHM Okanagan Helicopters 1970
dration: Kebne in the fog
dration: Old friend
ShaDe Photo: Tajik Turmoil
sensdessusdessous: Old country cemetery
ShaDe Photo: Paradise
austin granger: Portland