stefyBuff: Damask….
stefyBuff: The photographer!
stefyBuff: Nelle giornate di attesa, fuori dalla finestra è sempre buio.
stefyBuff: “Possa tu costruire la scala che porta alle stelle e percorrerne ogni gradino.”
stefyBuff: Bologna❤️
stefyBuff: E torno a te Bologna❤️
stefyBuff: Ginko
stefyBuff: Passaggi…
stefyBuff: I feel blue….
stefyBuff: Silence
stefyBuff: Urban Autumn
stefyBuff: Lunetta
stefyBuff: Legs
stefyBuff: Vitral
stefyBuff: Terre emerse
stefyBuff: L’unico viaggio impossibile e’ quello che decidi di non iniziare…
stefyBuff: Le sinuose crete senesi
stefyBuff: Summerland
stefyBuff: Waiting room
stefyBuff: Wild flowers
stefyBuff: Siamo fuori dal tunnel?
stefyBuff: Here,there… and everywhere!!!
stefyBuff: Rosso relativo…
stefyBuff: Light on
stefyBuff: Memories
stefyBuff: La casa nella prateria
stefyBuff: Sliding doors
stefyBuff: D’oro…
stefyBuff: The way back…
stefyBuff: Bologna