JamesEverett: On the way to work this morning. (android 5.1 update was apparently a Bad Idea, camera now crashes my phone after a few shots)
Jonathan Cgull: Q-Class steam test
JamesEverett: Mixed messages.
PVA_1964: Spotted
torode: Wrestlers Throw Salt Before Bout
Immermaria: From the bottom of the well
Immermaria: Loreto
torode: Morning Sun Hitting Tocho
fourtotwentychars: Coronet 020 Box Camera
Tazintosh: Roussette à tête grise / Pteropus poliocephalus - Grey-headed Flying-foxes
Glenn Díaz: El Payaso Tirro Plomo (Explored)
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
Ohfoto.es: Si tu me dices Wine lo dejo todo
mion.nl: Red on green
marcolorenzi70: Vela Supernova Remnant
Tazintosh: Azurite - Oursin bleu - Echinops ritro
black one7: close the window,please!
Gilderic Photography: The Look of the Future
Cybergabi: infinity
Barron Webster: Bookshelves Elsewhere
HouseofPIC: Lot of Legs
avgstays: Time off
candyhugs: HOt water
Jonathan Cgull: Elegance in the Director's Saloon
torode: Tomato Procession
Kaemi: mind your steps