Alex "Sasha" Chitnev: Pontius Pilate aka Barsik, Marsik, or Ponchik
azcangal: Bridge Glacier
azcangal: Bridge Glacier
vedebe: Désespoir / Despair
vedebe: L'homme aux têtes de mort / The man with death's-heads
Jürgen... / OFF....: XXX-Factor ( A Moment Like This )
Jürgen... / OFF....: Argynnis lathonia
Elia Locardi: The Road to Mt Cook
_tonidelong: on the road
L.Mog: And the otters keep posing for me. Lol
Elia Locardi: Momentum
Dave Rech Photos: Meriton and Storey.
poludziber1: Acquila sky
FineArt & Creative: Linien | lines
icemanphotos: Purple lines
ZivesF: Du jardin ..Garden
Fabien Majtek: mers les bains
KnutAusKassel: Dark town 4/14133
Anne.Berger: evening rest
Jürgen... / OFF....: Cupido Argiades
Jürgen... / OFF....: Stairway To Heaven
Elia Locardi: Cosmic Dance
Jürgen... / OFF....: Pays de rêve naturel
L.Mog: Such a sweey face.
Jürgen... / OFF....: The Miracles of Colors and Light