Arutemu: Seoul
~Phamster~: The Beauty of Purdue University
JTaniyama: The spoils
brodrock: Sashimi Sunday
brodrock: Ho'okipa. End of the day. LANES.
Arutemu: The last sunset of 2013 over Manhattan
JTaniyama: Small mahi
Eric Rolph: Argh!
Arutemu: Un estudio en tenebrismo
Chee917: arm in arm
Arutemu: The Ministry of Magic
Arutemu: Tokyo, cover photo
Arutemu: Helios + step-up ring, filter, and hood
brodrock: Mahi
brodrock: Oceanic White Tip Shark and Pilot Fish
Arutemu: Kyoto
Ross Magrath: What Remains
colleeninhawaii: A Burst over Waikiki
David Marriott - Sydney: Surfing in the channel
brodrock: Sub dude.
Ilko Allexandroff / イルコ・光の魔術師: Another heavy weight self portrait
Arutemu: Kyoto, view from Kiyomizudera
brodrock: My white whale.