Rob Baken: Incomming high tide at the beach
ermago52: Playa de Soesto (Coruña)
Victor "Viteca" Pereyra.: El bosque en el río.
ramdan@: Tormenta
Eneritz Uriarte: Atardecer de un día
stan.jernigan: Sunrise on the Danbue
kearneyjoe: Hermit Thrush
M-Gianca: Monte Berlinghera
clare 18: 'Nature's cycle of life'
Victor "Viteca" Pereyra.: Cuando el agua se convierte en oro.
Victor "Viteca" Pereyra.: El cielo en el río.
ramdan@: Vida
Ratters: Thanks for the Views and Favs:): Black Water Falls, Garve, Scotland
Murray Turner Images: Matarangi Beach
Murray Turner Images: Mount Maunganui Sunset
Big Warby: Going, going, gone .....
clare 18: 'Dark roots'
clare 18: 'Tranquility'
clare 18: 'On nature's time'
ulla.smidt-berner: Sonnengrün fliegt vorbei
ulla.smidt-berner: Frühlings - R(h)apsodie
judithjackson957: Another Rescue
christina.marsh25: Red Deer hind
David G. Hoffman: 037043a- Morning Ride On Hudsonville Gravel Roads
Enciclopedia Bonàs: Sèquia de reg
Rico the noob: Triangles
barb.schultheis: Blue Winter
Admitter: The Ponds
ltimothy on/off: San Ramon River full 2017 / Rio San Ramon lleno 2017