Lisa Rubino: Competitive swimmer
Katrina Wright: A Late Start to Spring
Rainer Hamburg: Sperrmüll/bulky waste
derkleinekönig: Berlin Ederstraße II 2021
M00k: blind window
donnacurrall: White Walls - HaHa!
Francis Mansell: waterside living
Francis Mansell: wispy paisley skies
Sebastian Bayer: Germling in Ice
Jane Statham: My 2022: one photo each day. 096/365 The Alphabet Challenge ...
Peter.Bartlett: Crosland Moor 006
jo.miseré 10 mln: TDD Thursday Door Day / DDD Donderdag Deuren Dag
Pixdar: Films Kodak
arbyreed: Fall on Baldy Peak
vic_206: Conviasa / Airbus A340-211 / YV1004
donnacurrall: Battery Powered
jo.miseré 10 mln: Tower and Rooftops from Albas ( FR )
Katrina Wright: Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay
Frank Hendriks Photography: To this generation I would say: Memorize some bit of verse of truth or beauty.
vavan: 13
CrËOS Photographie: Cité des électriciens XIV
Frank Hendriks Photography: Life gets really simple once you cut out all the bull shit they teach you in school.
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Last resting places
donnacurrall: Not Long Abandoned - HWW