reverie93: Angels have wings
kaifudo: sapporo 586
kaifudo: sapporo 560
kaifudo: flower 817
kaifudo: flower 1502
kaifudo: flower 1555 / insect
kaifudo: flower 1737
kaifudo: flower 1705
Mr B Eyes open: Looking for yr light, it’s always with you. It’s yr consciousness without thought process, yr beautiful essence in yr presence, in the breath you take, in each beat yr heart makes. It’s right here right now, nothing todo nothing to be, yr perfect as you
Mr B Eyes open: Lines that divide are lines that unite us. Eventually there’s a conscious awareness that may scare us. Yet it’s inevitable that we recognise & become aware that we are all as one. One life, one humanity, one planet & one universe
Mr B Eyes open: Lines that divide are lines that unite us. Eventually there’s a conscious awareness that may scare us. Yet it’s inevitable that we recognise & become aware that we are all as one. One life, one humanity, one planet & one universe
_patclancy56: My Cat
_patclancy56: Parker-Hickman Farmstead
_patclancy56: Bison at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. This is the time of year when some of the Boys start to get a bit Frisky
_patclancy56: Abandoned school in either far western Oklahoma Panhandle or just across the boarder in New Mexico
JEO126: For me?!
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_085928
Norbert Lefevre: Chenille du papillon Machaon ( Papilio machaon )
junjiaoyama: rose 5489
junjiaoyama: sunset 0467
junjiaoyama: gymnaster 9968
Black&Light Streetphotographie: I can fell the earth rotation
captured by bond: 1dx_009008102679
tsaiproject: Hummingbird, Page, AZ
laurylrose: nights
fender66ge: dark as its taste...
Gina.Di: Bosa
HelBen85: Lake Como [EXPLORED]
SpitMcGee: Monday Face
J-Fish: Mechanics' Institute Staircase