ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Art is not to be found by touring to Egypt, China, or Peru; if you cannot find it....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Though many painters and sculptors talk glibly of "going in for photography," you will find that very few of them can ever make a picture by photography;...
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: And if a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it's as though I've neglected something essential to my existence....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: My father used to teach me things. He taught me about photography, how light passed through a lens and created a negative, bleaching out areas on sensitized paper....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: The photograph is completely abstracted from life, yet it looks like life....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: I prefer the difficult path of finding unexpected things and wrestling them....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: I shutter to think how many people are underexposed....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: A photo is always a kind of lie. Truth is only present....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: For me, the importance of photography is that you can point to something....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: It’s not that I’m confident, but....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Serendipity plays an enormous role in my work....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: The word beauty is unavoidable … it accounts for my decision to photograph … There appeared a quality, beauty seemed the only appropriate word for it, in certain photographs....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: At our best and most fortunate we make pictures because of what stands before our camera, to honor what is greater and more interesting than we are....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Why do most great pictures look uncontrived? Why do photographers bother with the deception, especially since it so often requires the hardest work of all? The answer is....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Yes, photographs are only convincing if the photographer pays attention to the facts of life....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Mainly, you photograph because it’s fun. It’s serious too....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: When photographers get beyond copying the achievements of others, or just repeating their own accidental first successes, they learn that....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: ..talking about pictures as though you could tell anybody how to take good ones is nuts....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Where the focus of the photographer's mind is more on the way he is taking the picture....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: You don’t have to pose your camera. The pictures are there....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: A hundredth of a second here, a hundredth of a second there -- even if you put them end to end....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: I'm not a collector at heart. I'm never tormented by the longing to possess things. I'm quite happy with my pictures. I've been cohabiting with them for years now and we know each other inside out....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: If I knew how to take a good photograph....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: I don't usually give out advice or recipes, but you must let the person looking at the photograph go some of the way to finishing it....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: A photographer who made a picture from a splendid moment....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: For a photographer, the first 70 years are a bit difficult....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: You have to let the person who will look at the picture—provided that he isn’t an ass—always walk along that visual path for himself....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Photographs were more than my livelihood. They were part of my life. The way light fell on a surface never failed to tug at my imagination....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: I am interested in the relationships and play between an unfamiliar picture/object context....