ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: It is impossible to keep a straight face....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The cat could very well be man's best friend....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: There are few things in life more heartwarming than....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: After scolding one's cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many ailments, but....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: When I play with my cat, who knows if....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The reason cats climb is so that they can look down on almost every other animal....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Your cat will never threaten your popularity by barking at three in the morning. He won't attack the mailman or eat the drapes, although....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Cats can work out mathematically....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It's not....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: People that hate cats....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Everything I know I learned from my cat: When you're hungry, eat. When you're tired....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: There is no snooze button....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Cats can be cooperative when something feels good, which, to a cat....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Although all cat games have their rules and rituals, these vary with the individual player. The cat, of course, never breaks a rule. If it does not follow precedent....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Cats can be cooperative when something feels good, which, to a cat....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Cats can be cooperative when something feels good, which, to a cat....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert, gentle, and discriminating little friends....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Keep an eye on the cat and another....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Most of us rather like our cats to have a streak of wickedness. I should not feel quite easy....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: There are few things in life more heartwarming....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Although all cat games have their rules and rituals, these vary with the individual player. The cat, of course, never breaks a rule....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The cat seldom interferes with other people's rights. His intelligence keeps him....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The cat could very well be man's best friend....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert, gentle, and discriminating little friends....